Vanessa, Monica, and Jessica still honored and blessed by families that invite us into their sacred birth space.
Hi all,
It’s a hot summer here in Tampa and we wanted to catch you up on our lives a little bit. All of us have families that are growing and changing. In this season of life all our kiddos are somewhere in the age range of 8-29! Vanessa, our bold founder and leader, is living abroad with her family as missionaries across the globe, and the other two of us have started working full time for the first time in a long time. Since we have had a shift in our lives we find it challenging to commit to births like we used to. Because of this we are trying to start a list of other Christian doulas that either we know or have been told about that are wonderful and Jesus loving! We would love for this list to continue to grow so there will be resources for all the birthing mamas who desire a Christian doula especially if we aren’t able to help you in this season of life. Please check back on this article periodically for additions to our christian doula list and if you know of another one we should add please reach out to us at God bless you all!
Here is the list so far:
Alyssa Bedard 727-424-0987
Erika Washburn 813-495-1009
IG: @Doula.Empowered.Birth
FB: @DoulaEmpoweredBirth
Jessica Fontaine 727-251-7586
Gwendy Gregory 786-386-1896
Yolanda Corteo (727) 415-1334
email casacorteo
Vanessa and her family serving abroad.
Jessica and family.
Monica with family.